Dr Mike Fenn
Dr Mike Fenn was a member of the original Foxlot, studying the behavioural ecology of foxes and rats in and around Wytham Woods. The main findings, co-authored with David Macdonald, can be found in J. Mammal. 1995, (76:1), 130-136, https://doi.org/10.2307/1382321.
Mike is now a consultant and educator with special interest in the environment, the 4th industrial revolution, and systems change leadership. He is an experienced executive with a strong R&D background who has done business in over 30 countries, and now lectures at CASS Business School on Applied Systems Thinking.
Having held management positions with up to 100 reports, Mike is also passionate about the people side of change and is a certified coach and mentor with over 500 hours of post qualification experience.