Dr Jeremy Cusack
Originally from the French Alps, I graduated with a BSc in Zoology from the University of Bristol. I then spent a year working on various wildlife filming and research projects. These included developing infrared camera tracking methods to look at the behaviour of foraging bats in the UK; radio-tracking King cobras in India in order to understand their habitat and food preferences; and helping to conserve a highly-threatened sportive lemur in Madagascar.
For my MSc in Conservation Science, which I obtained from Imperial College the following year, I used both live- and camera-trapping methods to investigate the structure of mammal communities in logged and unlogged forests of Northern Borneo. From this I became very interested in understanding the processes that govern the response of mammal systems to disturbance, and in particular the role large carnivores have in these.
My DPhil, which starts in 2012 and is funded by a NERC Case studentship, will focus on an East African mammal system and aim to develop methods for monitoring and predicting community change within the context of ongoing fencing activities. My project is being jointly supervised my members of WildCRU, the Department of Zoology and the Institute of Zoology of the Zoological Society London.