Wonderful accolades for WildCRU stars
Last week, at a major meeting in Abu Dhabi, the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN recognized the achievements of two acclaimed members of the WildCRU team. Dr Mark Stanley Price, a senior research fellow in the Unit was awarded the highly prestigious Peter Scott award “In recognition of his dedication to the SSC over four decades, including as the founder and first Chair of the Reintroduction Specialist Group, as the driving force for developing the 1995 and 2012 IUCN Reintroduction Guidelines, and his current leadership of the Species Conservation Planning Sub-Committee”. This is a wonderful accolade, and more was to come as Professor Claudio Sillero, WildCRU’s Deputy Director, and Chairman of the Canid Specialist Group which is based in the WildCRU, received the Chairman’s citation for Excellence, in recognition of his major contributions to species conservation, including his work on the Ethiopian wolf Conservation Programme. We are proud of them both.
WildCRU reunion and celebration at Abu Dhabi SSC conference with Mark Stanley Price, Alexandra Zimmermann, Claudio Sillero and Axel Moehrenschlager