Creating conservation solutions for living together
WildCRU’s P&W initiative is joining forces with the IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict Task Force, a global advisory group of experts from a range of subjects working on interdisciplinary approaches to wildlife conservation.
Human-wildlife conflict is a global conservation challenge that requires interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration, not only to mitigate the often very damaging effects of people and wildlife sharing our world, but also to understand the underlying reasons for differences among stakeholders. Much research and collective experience across the world has shown that each case of conflict is different from the next, making it difficult to devise directly transferable solutions. Networks and platforms for the exchange of information, ideas and experience are a crucially important part of improving global best practice and creating coexistence between people and wildlife.
Established by WildCRU and the Born Free Foundation in 2004 P&W has provided a forum for such practitioners dealing with human-wildlife conflict issues worldwide, promoting information exchange.
From today P&W will be sharing with the HWCTF a network of more than 700 experts, managers, institutions and communities affected by conflict across the world that communicate through the P&W e-group, and the HWCTF Resources section will provide a library of resources on key topics and species.
© James Stevens
© James Stevens
© Assam Haathi Project