
WildCRU at ICCB in Kuala Lumpur

July 11, 2019

ICCB is a global forum for addressing conservation challenges and for presenting new research in conservation science and practice. WildCRU are pleased to have a number of delegates hosting workshops, joining sessions, and presenting at the renowned conference this year:

Saturday 20th – Sunday 21st  July

Cedric Tan – Innovative education and communication.
Short course 20-21 July

Silvio Marchini – Planning for human-wildlife coexistence: linking situation assessment to decision-making.
Short course 20 July

Monday 22nd July

Charlotte Searle – Can granting conservation to communities be successful? A case study from Tanzania Session: Inventory & monitoring 3

Liz Campbell – Impact of five years of community-based anti-poaching efforts to protect the largest remaining population of endangered Barbary macaques

Tuesday 23rd  July

Cedric Tan – Innovative eLearning – the way forward to teaching conservation.
Session: Conservation optimism

Naresh Kusi – Living with Himalayan wolves and snow leopards: A quest for positive co-existence.
Poster theme: Human-wildlife conflict

Wednesday 24th  July

Paolo Strampelli – Large carnivores in Tanzania’s Ruaha‐Rungwa: implications for trophy hunting and the conservation of African large carnivores in modern landscapes.
Session: Biomes conservation 3

Peter Coals – Conservation ethics and public discourse: Lions bred for their bones
Session: Wildlife trade 1

Phoebe Griffith – Multi-method approach to evaluate impact of intensive conservation interventions on Gharial crocodilians, Nepal.
Session:  Monitoring and recovery

James Foley – Domestic dogs as a vector of disease for threatened carnivores, modelling informs management.
Symposium: Dog and wildlife conflict

Jorgelina Marino – A tale of wolves and dogs: cultural and ecological dimensions of the Ethiopian wolf ‐ free roaming dog conflict.
Symposium: Dog and wildlife conflict

Amy Fitzmaurice – Novel approach of using footprints to identify individual tigers and leopards to map human-felid conflict hot-spots in Nepal.
Session: Human-wildlife conflict 5

Silvio Marchini –Coexistence Project: upscaling the analysis and management of human-wildlife conflicts.
Session: Human-wildlife conflict 3

Lisanne Petracca – Effects of a human-carnivore conflict mitigation program on the space use of a threatened felid.
Session: Human-wildlife conflict 3

Amy Hinsley – Disentangling the markets for farmed and wild bear bile in China.
Symposium: Does wildlife farming help to reduce illegal unsustainable wild harvesting?

Ewan Macdonald and Alexandra Zimmermann will be attending as delegates. During the conference they will be conducting meetings about their work on Mauritius fruit bats and human wildlife conflict in the run up to the IBRC (International Bat Research Conference) which takes place the following week.