Rosalino, L. M., , Macdonald, D. W., , Santos-Reis, M. , 2005
Resource dispersion and badger population density in Mediterranean woodlands: is food, water or geology the limiting factor?.
Moorhouse, T.P. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2005
Temporal patterns of range use in water voles: do females’ territories drift?.
Newman, C., Buesching, C.D., and Wolff, J.O. , 2005
The function of facial masks in ‘‘midguild’’ carnivores.
Niven, J.E. , Scharlemann, J.P.W. , 2005
Do insect metabolic rates at rest and during flight scale with body mass?.
McLaren, G.W. , Thornton, P.D. , Newman, C. , Buesching, C.D. , Baker, S.E. , Mathews, F. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2005
The use and assessment of ketamine-medetomidine-butorphanol combinations for field anaesthesia in wild European badgers (Meles meles).
Mian, R., , McLaren, G., , Macdonald, D. W. , 2005
Of stress, mice and men: A radical approach to old problems.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Moorhouse, T.P., , Macdonald. D.W. , 2005
Indirect negative impacts of radio-collaring: sex ratio variation in water voles.
Marker, L. L. , Dickman, A. J. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2005
Perceived effectiveness of livestock guarding dogs placed on Namibian Farms.
Marker, L. L. , Dickman, A. J. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2005
Survivorship and causes of mortality for livestock gurading dogs on Namibian Rangeland.
McLaren, G.W. , Thornton, P.D. , Newman, C. , Buesching, C.D. , Baker, S.E. , Mathews, F. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2005
High rectal temperature indicates an increased risk of unexpected recovery in anaesthetized badgers.
Macdonald, D. W. , Baker, S. E. , 2005
The state of Britain’s mammals 2005.
Mammals Trust UK.
Macdonald, D. W. , Kays, R.W. , 2005
Carnivores of the World: An introduction.
The John's Hopkins University Press.
Macdonald, D. W. , Newman, C. , 2005
Flexibilidad ecológica en el tejón eurasiático: ganándose su camino hacia la sociabilidad.
SECEM (Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudios de los Mamíferos).
Kamler, J. F. , Ballard, W. B. , Harrison, R. L. , Schmitt, C. G. , 2005
Range expansion of red foxes in northwestern Texas and northeastern New Mexico.
Kamler, J. F. , Ballard, W. B. , Lemons, P. R. , Gilliland, R. L. , Mote, K. , 2005
Home range and habitat use of coyotes in an area of native prairie, farmland and CRP fields.