

Lions and The Trans Kalahari Predator Programme
History and Milestones
Cecil the Lion & WildCRU’s Cecil Summit
Area of Operation
Lion Ecology
Monitoring Populations
Transboundary and Landscape Conservation
Human-Lion Coexistence
Research Methods
The Team
Sponsors & How to Support Us

Barnier, F., M. Valiex, P. Duncan, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, P. Barre, A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald and H. Fritz (2014). “Diet quality in a wild grazer declines under the threat of predation.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281(

Barthold, J., A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, C. Packer and F. Colchero (2016). “Bayesian estimates of male and female African lion mortality for future use in population management.” Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 295-304.

Barthold, J., C. Packer, A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald and F. Colchero (2016). “Dead or gone? Bayesian inference on mortality for the dispersing sex.” Ecology and Evolution 6(14): 4910-4923.

Benhamou, S., M. Valeix, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge (2014). “Movement-based analysis of interactions in African lions.” Animal Behaviour

Courbin, N., A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, H. Fritz, M. Valeix, E. Makuwe and S. Chamaillé-Jammes (2015). “Reactive responses of zebras to lion encounters shape their predator-prey space game at large scale.” Oikos.

Creel, S., M. S. Becker, D. Christensen, E. Droge, N. Hammerschlag, M. J. Hayward, U. Karanth, A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, W. Matandiko, J. M’Soka, D. L. Murray, E. Rosenblatt and P. Schuette (2015). “Questionable policy for large carnivore hunting.” Science 350(6267): 1473-1475.

Crosmary, W., A. J. Loveridge, H. Ndaimani, S. Lebel, V. Booth, S. Cote and H. Fritz (2013). “Trophy hunting in Africa: long-term trends in antelope horn size.” Animal Conservation.

Cushman, S. A., N. Elliot, D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge (2015). “A multi-scale assessment of population connectivity in African lions (Panthera leo) in response to landscape change.” Landscape Ecology: DOI 10.1007/s10980-10015-10292-10983.

Davidson, Z., M. Valeix, A. J. Loveridge, J. E. Hunt, P. J. Johnson, H. Madzikanda and D. W. Macdonald (2012). “Environmental determinants of habitat and kill site selection in a large carnivore: scale matters.” Journal of Mammalogy 93(3): 677-685.

Davidson, Z., M. Valeix, A. J. Loveridge, H. Madzikanda and D. W. Macdonald (2011). “Socio-spatial behaviour of an African lion population following perturbation by sport hunting.” Biological Conservation 144: 114-121.

Davidson, Z., M. Valeix, F. van Kesteren, A. J. Loveridge, J. E. Hunt, F. Murindagomo and D. W. Macdonald (2013). “Seasonal diet and prey preference of the African lion in a waterhole-driven semi-arid savanna.” PLoS ONE 8(2): 1-10.

duPreez, B., T. Hart, A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2015). “The impact of risk on animal behaviour and habitat transition probabilities.” Animal Behaviour 100: 22-37.

duPreez, B., A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2014). “Making the best of camera-trap surves in an imperfect world.” Biological Conservation DOI 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.09.022.

duPreez, B., A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2014). “To bait or not to bait: a comparison of two camera-trapping methods for estimating leopard Panthera pardus density.” Biological Conservation 176 153–161.

duPreez , B., J. Purdon, P. Trethowan, D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge (2017). “Dietary niche differentiation facilitates coexistence of two large carnivores.” Journal of Zoology.

Elliot, N., S. A. Cushman, D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge (2014). “The devil is in the dispersers. Predictions of landscape connectivity change with demography.” Journal of Applied Ecology 51(5): 1169-1178.

Elliot, N., D. W. Macdonald, A. J. Loveridge and S. A. Cushman (2014). “Movements vary according to dispersal status, group size and rainfall: the case of the African lion.” Ecology 95(10): 2860-2869.

Elliot, N., M. Valiex, D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge (2014). “Social relationships affect dispersal timing revealing a delayed infanticide in African lions.” Oikos 123: 1049-1056.

EMiguel, E., V. Grosbois, H. Fritz, A. Caron, M. Garine-Wichatitsky, F. Nicod, A. J. Loveridge, B. Stapelkamp, D. W. Macdonald and V. Valeix (2017). “Drivers of Foot and Mouth Disease in cattle at wild/domestic interface: insights from farmers, buffalo and lions.” Diversity and Distributions 23: 1018–1030.

Fahlman, A., A. Loveridge, C. Wenham, C. Foggin, J. M. Arnemo and G. Nyman (2005). “Reversible anaesthesia of free-ranging lions (Panthera leo) in Zimbabwe.” Journal of the South African Veterinary Association. 76: 187-192.

Funston, P. J., L. Frank, T. Stephens, Z. Davidson, A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, S. M. Durant, C. Packer, A. Mosser and S. Ferreira (2010). “Substrate and species constraints on the use of track incidences to estimate African large carnivore abundance.” Journal of Zoology 281: 56-65.

Hunter, L. T. B., P. A. White, P. P. Henschel, L. Frank, A. C. Burton, A. J. Loveridge, G. A. Balme, C. Breitenmoser and U. Breitenmoser (2013). “No science, no success and still no need for captive- origin lion reintroduction: a reply to Abell and Youldon.” Oryx 47(1): 27-28.

Hunter, L. T. B., P. A. White, P. P. Henschel, L. Frank, C. Burton, A. J. Loveridge, G. A. Balme, C. Breitenmoser and U. Breitenmoser (2013). “Walking with lions: Why there is no role for captive origin lions (Panthera leo) in species restoration.” Oryx 14(1): 19-24.

Johnson, P. J., R. Kansky, A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2010). “Size, Rarity and Charisma: Valuing African Wildlife Trophies.” PLoS ONE 5(9): e12866.

Kesch, K. M., D. T. Bauer and A. J. Loveridge (2014). “Undermining game fences: who is digging holes in Kalahari sands.” African Journal of Ecology 52: 144-150.

Kesch, K. M., D. T. Bauer and A. J. Loveridge (2015). “Break on through to the other side: the effectiveness of game fencing to mitigate human-wildlife conflict.” African Journal of Wildlife Research 45(1): 76-87.

Kuiper, T., A. J. Loveridge, D. Parker, J. E. Hunt, B. Stapelkamp, L. Sibanda and D. W. Macdonald (2015). “Seasonal herding practices influence predation on domestic stock by African lions along a protected area boundary.” Biological Conservation 191: 546-554.

Kushata, J., S. Periquet, T. Tarakini, M. Muzamba, B. Mafuwa, A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, H. Fritz and M. Valeix (2017). “Drivers of diurnal rest site selection by the spotted hyaena in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe ” Journal of Zoology.

Lindsey, P. A., L. Petracca, P. J. Funston, H. Bauer, A. Dickman, K. Everatt, M. Flyman, P. Henschel, A. Hinks, S. Kasiki, A. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, R. Mandisodza, W. Mgoola, S. Miller, S. Nazerali, L. Siege, K. Uiseb and L. Hunter (2017). “The performance of African protected areas for lions and their prey, determinants of success and key conservation threats.” Biological Conservation 209: 137-149.

Loveridge, A. J. (2001). Jackals. The New Encyclopaedia of Mammals. D. W. Macdonald. Oxford Oxford University Press: 50-51.

Loveridge, A. J. and S. Canney (2009). Report on the lion distribution and conservation modelling project, Report to the Born Free Foundation, UK.

Loveridge, A. J., G. Hemson, Z. Davidson and D. W. Macdonald (2010). African lions on the edge: Reserve boundaries as ‘attractive sinks’. Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids. D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 283- 304.

Loveridge, A. J., J. E. Hunt, F. Murindagomo and D. W. Macdonald (2006). “Influence of drought on predation of elephant (Loxodonta africana) calves by lions (Panthera leo) in an African wooded savannah.” Journal of Zoology 270(523-530).

Loveridge, A. J., T. Kuiper, R. Parry, L. Sibanda, B. Stapelkamp, J. E. Hunt, E. Makuwe, L. Sebele and D. W. Macdonald (2017). “Bells, bomas and beefsteak. Complex patterns of human predator conflict at the protected area- agropastoral interface.” PeerJ 5:e2898.

Loveridge, A. J., A. Lynam and D. W. Macdonald (2002). Lion Conservation Research Workshop 2: Modelling Conflict. Oxford, WildCRU and Darwin Initiative.

Loveridge, A. J., T. Lynam and D. W. Macdonald, Eds. (2001). Lion Conservation Research. Workshop 1: Survey Techniques. Oxford, UK, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, University of Oxford.

Loveridge, A. J., Lynam, T., and Macdonald, D.W. (2006). Lion Conservation Research. Workshops 3 & 4: From conflict to Socioecology: 95.

Loveridge, A. J. and D. W. Macdonald (2001). “Seasonality in spatial organization and dispersal of sympatric jackals (Canis mesomelas and C. adustus): implications for rabies management.” Journal of Zoology 253: 101-111.

Loveridge, A. J. and D. W. Macdonald (2002). “Habitat ecology of two sympatric species of jackals in Zimbabwe.” Journal of Mammalogy 83(2): 599-607.

Loveridge, A. J. and D. W. Macdonald (2003). “Niche separation in sympatric jackals (Canis mesomelas and Canis adustus).” Journal of Zoology, London 259: 143-153.

Loveridge, A. J. and D. W. Macdonald (2013). Canis adustus- Side-striped jackal. Mammals of Africa. J. Kingdon and M. Hoffmann. London, Bloomsbury Books. V.

Loveridge, A. J. and J. A. J. Nel (2013). Canis mesomelas- Black-backed jackal. Mammals of Africa. J. Kingdon and M. Hoffmann. London, Bloomsbury Books. V.

Loveridge, A. J., C. Packer and A. Dutton (2009). Science and the recreational hunting of lions. Recreational hunting, conservation and rural livelihoods. B. Dickson, J. Hutton and W. M. Adams. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell: 108-124.

Loveridge, A. J., J. C. Reynolds and E. J. Milner-Gulland (2007). Does sport hunting benefit conservation? Key Topics in Conservation. D. W. Macdonald and K. Service. Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing: 224-240.

Loveridge, A. J., A. W. Searle, F. Murindagomo and D. W. Macdonald (2007). “The impact of sport hunting on the population dynamics of an African lion population in a protected area.” Biological Conservation 134: 548-558.

Loveridge, A. J., M. Valeix, Z. Davidson, F. Murindagomo, H. Fritz and D. W. Macdonald (2009). “Changes in home range size of African lions in relation to pride size and prey biomass in a semi-arid savanna.” Ecography 32: 1-10.

Loveridge, A. J., M. Valeix, N. Elliot and D. W. Macdonald (2016). “Data From: The landscape of anthropogenic mortality: how African lions respond to spatial variation in risk.” Dryad Digital Repository

Loveridge, A. J., M. Valiex, G. Chapron, Z. Davidson, G. Mtare and D. W. Macdonald (2016). “Conservation of large predator populations: demographic and spatial responses of African lions to the intensity of trophy hunting.” Biological Conservation

Loveridge, A. J., M. Valiex, N. Elliot and D. W. Macdonald (2016). “The landscape of anthropogenic mortality: how African lions respond to spatial variation in risk.” Journal of Applied Ecology Early view: doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12794.

Loveridge, A. J., S. W. Wang, L. G. Frank and J. Seidensticker (2010). People and wild felids: conservation of cats and management of conflicts. Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids. D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 161-196.

Macdonald, D. W., K. Jacobsen, D. Burnham, P. J. Johnson and A. J. Loveridge (2016). “Cecil: A moment or a movement? Analysis of Media Coverage of the Death of a Lion, Panthera leo.” Animals 6(26): doi@10.3390/ani6050026.

Macdonald, D. W., P. J. Johnson, A. J. Loveridge, D. Burnham and A. Dickman (2016). “Conservation or the moral high ground: Siding with Bentham or Kant.” Conservation Letters 9(4): 307-308.

Macdonald, D. W., A. J. Loveridge, A. Dickman, P. J. Johnson, K. Jacobsen and B. DuPreez (2017). “Lions, trophy hunting and beyond. Known unknowns and why they matter.” Mammal Review 47(4): 247-253.

Macdonald, D. W., A. J. Loveridge and K. Nowell (2010). Dramatis personae: An introduction to the wild felids. Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids. D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 3-61.

Macdonald, D. W., A. J. Loveridge and A. Rabinowitz (2010). Felid futures: crossing disciplines, borders, and generations. Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids. D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 599-653.

Miller, J. R. B., G. A. Balme, P. A. Lindsey, A. J. Loveridge, M. S. Becker, C. M. Begg, H. Brink, S. Dolrenry, J. E. Hunt, I. Jansson, D. W. Macdonald, R. Mandisodza, A. Oriol-Cotterill, C. Packer, D. Rosengren, K. Stratford, M. Trinkel, P. A. White, C. Winterbach, H. Winterbach and P. J. Funston (2016). “Aging traits and sustainable trophy hunting of African lions.” Biological Conservation 201: 160-168.

Morandin, C., A. J. Loveridge, G. Segelbacher, N. Elliot, H. Madzikanda, D. W. Macdonald and J. Hoglund (2014). “Gene flow and immigration:genetic diversity and population structure of lions (Panthera leo) in Hwange National Park.” Conservation Genetics 15(3): 697-706.

Mugerwa, B., B. duPreez , L. Tallents, A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2017). “Increased foraging success or competitor avoidance? Diel partitioning in sympatric large carnivores.” Journal of Mammalogy DOI:10.1093/jmammal/gyx090.

Packer, C., A. J. Loveridge, S. Canney, T. Caro, S. T. Garnett, M. L. Pfeifer, K. K. Zander, A. Swanson, D. MacNulty, G. A. Balme, H. Bauer, C. M. Begg, K. S. Begg, S. Bhalla, C. Bissett, T. Bodasing, H. Brink, A. Burger, A. C. Burton, B. Clegg, S. Dell, A. Delsink, T. Dickerson, S. M. Dloniak, D. Druce, L. Frank, P. J. Funston, N. Gichohi, R. J. Groom, C. Hanekom, B. Heath, L. T. B. Hunter, H. DeIongh, C. J. Joubert, S. M. Kasiki, B. M. Kissui, W. Knocker, B. Leathem, P. A. Lindsey, S. D. Maclennan, J. W. McNutt, S. M. Miller, S. Naylor, P. Nel, C. Ng’weno, K. Nicholls, J. O. Ogutu, E. Okot-Omoya, B. D. Patterson, A. Plumptre, J. Salerno, K. Skinner, R. Slotow, E. A. Sogbohossou, K. Stratford, C. Winterbach, H. Winterbach and S. Polasky (2013). “Conserving Large Carnivores: Dollars and Fence ” Ecology Letters 16(5): 635-641.

Packer, C., A. Swanson, S. Canney, A. J. Loveridge, S. T. Garnett, M. L. Pfeifer, A. C. Burton, H. Bauer and D. MacNulty (2013). “The case for fencing remains intact.” Ecology Letters DOI:10.1111/ele.12171.

Packer, C., K. Whitman, A. Loveridge, J. Jackson and P. Funston (2006). Impacts of trophy hunting on lions in East and Southern Africa: Recent offtake and future recommendations. The Eastern and Southern African Lion conservation Workshop. Johannesburg, South Africa.

Periquet, S., C. Mapendere, E. Revilla, J. Banda, D. W. Macdonald, A. J. Loveridge and H. Fritz (2015). “A potential role for interference competition with lions in den selection and attendance by spotted hyaenas.” Mammalian Biology.

Periquet, S., L. Todd-Jones, M. Valeix, B. Stapelkamp, N. Elliot, M. Wijers, O. Pays, D. Fortin, H. Madzikanda, H. Fritz, D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge (2012). “Influence of immediate predation risk by lions on the vigilance of prey of different body size.” Behavioral Ecology.

Periquet, S., M. Valeix, A. J. Loveridge, H. Madzikanda, D. W. Macdonald and H. Fritz (2010). “Individual vigilance of African herbivores while drinking: the role of immediate predation risk and context.” Animal Behaviour 79: 665-671.

Pfeifer, M. L., C. Packer, A. C. Burton, S. T. Garnett, A. J. Loveridge, D. MacNulty and P. Platts (2014). “In defence of fences: response to Woodroffe et al.” Science 345(6195): 389.

Pooley, S., M. Barua, W. Beinart, A. Dickman, G. Holmes, J. Lorimer, A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, G. Marvin, S. Redpath, C. Sillero-Zubiri, A. Zimmermann and E. J. Milner-Gulland (2016). “An interdisciplinary review of current and future approaches to improving human-predator relations ” Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12859.

Prescott, G., P. J. Johnson, A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2012). “Does change in IUCN status affect demand for African bovid trophies? .” Animal Conservation 15: 248-252.

Sogbohossou, E. A., H. Bauer, A. J. Loveridge, P. J. Funston, G. R. DeSnoo, B. Sinsin and H. DeIongh (2014). “Social structure of lions (Panthera leo) is affected by management in Pendjari Reserve, Benin.” PLoS ONE 9(1): e84674. doi:84610.81371/journal.pone.0084674.

Trethowan, P., A. Fuller, A. Haw, T. Hart, A. Markham, A. Loveridge, R. Hetem, B. duPreez  and D. W. Macdonald (2016). “Getting to the core: internal body temperatures help reveal the ecological function and thermal implications of the lions’ mane.” Ecology and Evolution 2016: DOI: 10.1002/ece1003.2556.

Trethowan, P., T. Hart, A. J. Loveridge, A. Haw, A. Fuller and D. W. Macdonald (2017). “Improved homeothermy and hypothermia in African lions during gestation.” Biology Letters 12: 20160645.

Trethowan, P., T. Hart, A. J. Loveridge, A. Markham, M. Wijers, B. DuPreez , S. Chamaillé-Jammes and D. W. Macdonald (2016). “The hunger games- sex based responses to hunger and hunting in African lions (Panthera leo).” Current Biology.

Valeix, M., S. Chamaillé-Jammes, A. J. Loveridge, Z. Davidson, H. J. E., H. Madzikanda and D. W. Macdonald (2011). “Understanding patch departure rules for large carnivores: Lion movements support a patch disturbance hypothesis.” The American Naturalist 178(2): DOI: 10.1086/660824.

Valeix, M., H. Fritz, A. J. Loveridge, Z. Davidson, J. E. Hunt, F. Murindagomo and D. W. Macdonald (2009). “Does the risk of encountering lions influence African herbivore behaviour at waterholes?” Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 1483-1494.

Valeix, M., G. Hemson, A. J. Loveridge, G. Mills and D. W. Macdonald (2012). “Behavioural adjustments of a large carnivore to access secondary prey in a human dominated landscape.” Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 73-81.

Valeix, M., A. J. Loveridge, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, Z. Davidson, F. Murindagomo, H. Fritz and D. W. Macdonald (2009). “Behavioural adjustments of African herbivores to predation risk by lions: Spatiotemporal variations influence habitat use.” Ecology 90(1): 23-30.

Valeix, M., A. J. Loveridge, Z. Davidson, H. Madzikanda, H. Fritz and D. W. Macdonald (2010). “How key habitat features influence large terrestrial carnivore movements: waterholes and African lions in a semi arid savanna of north-western Zimbabwe.” Landscape Ecology 25: 337-351.

Valeix, M., A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2012). “Influence of prey dispersion and group size of African lions: a test of the resource dispersion hypothesis.” Ecology 93(11): 2490–2496.

Valls-Fox, H., S. Chamaillé-Jammes, M. deGarine-Wichatitsky, A. Perrotton, N. Courbin, E. Miguel, C. Guerbois, A. Caron, A. J. Loveridge, B. Stapelkamp, M. Muzamba and H. Fritz (2018). “Water and cattle herding shape habitat selection by wild herbivores at the edge of a protected area.” Animal Conservation doi:10.111/acv.12403.

Williams, V., A. J. Loveridge, D. Newton and D. W. Macdonald (2015). “‘Skullduggery’: Lions align and their mandibles rock!” PLoS ONE 10(11): e0135144. doi:0135110.0131371/journal.pone.0135144.

Williams, V., A. J. Loveridge, D. Newton and D. W. Macdonald (2015). “Tiger bone trade could threaten lions.” Nature 523: 290.

Williams, V., A. J. Loveridge, D. Newton and D. W. Macdonald (2017). “Pan-African Survey of the Trade in Lion Body Parts.” PLoS ONE.

Williams, V., A. J. Loveridge, D. Newton and D. W. Macdonald (2017). “A roaring trade? The legal trade in Panthera leo bones from Africa to East-Southeast Asia.” PLoS ONE PONE-D-17-09755R1.

Williams, V., D. Newton, A. J. Loveridge and D. W. Macdonald (2015). Bones of contention: the African lion bone trade, TRAFFIC International and WildCRU, Oxford University.