
Wildlife Trade References

D’Cruze N, Macdonald DW (2017) An update on CITES live confiscations, in response to Lopes et al. (2017). Nature Conservation 21: 163–166.

Zhou, Z. M., C. Newman, C. D. Buesching, D. W. Macdonald, and Y. Zhou. (2016) Rescued wildlife in China remains at risk. Science 353:999

D’Cruze, N. and Macdonald, D.W. (2016) A review of global trends in CITES live wildlife confiscations. Nature Conservation 15: 47-63

Zhou, Z.-M., C. Newman, C. D. Buesching, X. Meng, D. W. Macdonald, and Y. Zhou. 2016. Revised Taxonomic Binomials Jeopardize Protective Wildlife Legislation. Conservation Letters 9:313-315.

Risdianto, D., D. J. Martyr, R. T. Nugraha, A. Harihar, H. T. Wibisono, I. A. Haidir, D. W. Macdonald, N. D’Cruze, and M. Linkie. 2016. Examining the shifting patterns of poaching from a long-term law enforcement intervention in Sumatra. Biological Conservation 204, Part B:306-312.

Zhou, Z.-M. 2015. China: Outdated listing puts species at risk. Nature 525:187-187.

Zhou Z-M., Johnson R., Newman, C., Buesching, C.D., Macdonald D.W.  & Zhou Y. (2015). Tweak Chinese Law to end ivory demand. Nature, 518:303.

D’Cruze, N. and D. Macdonald. 2015. Clouded in mystery: the global trade in clouded leopards. Biodiversity and Conservation 24:3505-3526.

Harrington, L. A. 2015. International commercial trade in live carnivores and primates 2006-2012: comment on Bush et al. (2014) Conservation Biology 29:293-296.

Zhou, Z.-M., R. N. Johnson, C. Newman, C. D. Buesching, D. W. Macdonald, and Y. Zhou. 2015. Private possession drives illegal wildlife trade in China. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13:353-354.

Williams, V. L., D. J. Newton, A. J. Loveridge, and D. W. Macdonald. 2015. Bones of contention: an assessment of the South African trade in African lion Panthera Leo bones and other body parts. TRAFFIC, Cambridge, UK & WildCRU, Oxford, UK.

Williams, V. L. 2015. Traditional medicines: Tiger-bone trade could threaten lions. Nature 523:290.

Williams, V. L., A. J. Loveridge, D. W. Macdonald, and D. J. Newton. 2015. Shining light on lion management practices and bone trade. The Conversation.

Williams, V. L., A. J. Loveridge, D. J. Newton, and D. W. Macdonald. 2015. ‘Skullduggery’: lions align and their mandibles rock! Plos One 10:e0135144.

Zhou, Y. B., C. Newman, and D. W. Macdonald. 2014. Scaling up pangolin protection: illegal trade in pangolin surpasses ivory and rhino horn. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12:97-98.

Bush, E. R., S. E. Baker, and D. W. Macdonald. (2014) Global trade in exotic pets 2006-2012. Conservation Biology 28:663-676.

Newman, C., D. W. Macdonald, and Y. B. Zhou. 2014. Pangolin: illegal medicine trade threatens these scaly mammals with extinction. The Conversation

Zhou Z-M., Zhou Y., Newman C. & Macdonald D.W.  (2014). Synthetic ivory fails to stop illegal trade. Nature, 507: 40

Dutton, A. J., Gratwicke, B., Hepburn, C., Herrera, E. A., & Macdonald, D. W. (2013). Tackling unsustainable wildlife tradeKey Topics in Conservation Biology 2, 74-91.

Baker, S. E., R. Cain, F. Van Kesteren, Z. A. Zommers, N. D’Cruze, and D. W. Macdonald. (2013). Rough Trade: Animal Welfare in the Global Wildlife Trade. BioScience 63:928-938

Dutton, A. J., Hepburn, C., & Macdonald, D. W. (2011). A stated preference investigation into the Chinese demand for farmed vs. wild bear bilePLoS One6(7), e21243.

Wasser, S., J. Poole, P. Lee, K. Lindsay, A. Dobson, J. Hart, I. Douglas-Hamilton, G. Wittemyer, P. Granli, B. Morgan, J. Gunn, S. Alberts, R. Beyers, P. Chiyo, H. Croze, R. Estes, K. Gobush, P. Joram, A. Kikoti, J. Kingdon, L. King, D. W. Macdonald, C. Moss, B. Mutayoba, S. Njumbi, P. Omondi, and K. Nowak. 2010. Elephants, Ivory, and Trade. Science 327:1331-1332.

See also the following book chapters for discussion of trade and exploitation in musteloids and felids, respectively:

Harrington, L.A., Marino, J. and King, C.M. (2017) People and wild native musteloids. Pages 189-215 in D.W. Macdonald, C. Newman and L.A. Harrington, editors. Biology and Conservation of Musteloids. Oxford University Press, Oxford

Loveridge, A. J., S. W. Wang, L. G. Frank, and J. Seidensticker. (2010) People and wild felids: conservation of cats and management of conflicts. Pages 161-196 in D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge, editors. The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


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