Daniel Pamin
D.Phil candidate
Institute for Tropical Biology & Conservation (ITBC)
University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
I received my degree in Science of Forestry from Universiti Putra Malaysia in year 2000 majoring Park & Recreation Management. Been involved working with Malaysian Nature Society on ‘Tree Planting Programme’, and WWF-Malaysia (Borneo Programme) on Wetland ecosystem conservation project. I’ve completed MSc in Conservation Biology from Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah in year 2006. From there i moved to joined the institute as research assistant and working for several research project mainly in Sabah. In year 2007 i started joining Darwin Initative funded project on Bornean wild cats and clouded leopard, a collaboration research work between WildCRU, Global Canopy Programme UK and ITBC.
Now i’m working on my D.Phil research thesis on population and conservation genetics of Bornean wild cats in Sabah since July 2008. This study using molecular genetic techniques in conjunction with behavioral and ecological data to address issues regarding conservation of these felidae species.