Dr Flavie Vial
Born and raised in France, I moved to the UK in 2002 to complete a BSc honours in zoology at the University of Glasgow, culminating in the publication of my undergraduate thesis on epidemiological modelling in African wild dogs. I pursued my interest in epidemiology and conservation-orientated issues with an M.Res in ecological and environmental sciences in 2005, working on modelling interspecific competition in African wild dogs and on avian malaria in bleu tits. I was then offered in 2006 a PhD position, still at the University of Glasgow but in collaboration with WildCRU in Oxford, to look into the impact of livestock grazing on endemic flora and fauna in a biodiversity hotspot, the Bale mountains of Ethiopia, home to the Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis). In Ethiopia and Oxford, I work closely with the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme.
I am also a member of the Boyd Orr Centre for Population and Ecosystem Health at the University of Glasgow.