Jonathan Growcott
Research Students
External Student
I am a PhD student at the University of Exeter, funded by the UKRI Environmental Intelligence CDT, and working on the integration of new technology, on-the-ground fieldwork, and applications of AI to improve the monitoring of large African carnivores. My PhD is co-supervised by Matthew Wijers of WildCRU and my work is supported by Lion Landscapes. Previously, I obtained an MBiol (Hons) in Biosciences from Durham University where I was a member of the Conservation Ecology Group.
My PhD research focuses on combining multiple data capture technologies (camera traps, autonomous recording units, GPS collars) to more holistically monitor large carnivores across a landscape. I am interested in how integrating different data types: visual, audio, GPS-tracking can provide new insights into the behaviour, population size, and occurrence of large carnivores. This will involve fieldwork across south-east Africa. Such large collections of data require AI to augment data-processing. I am also working with ex-situ safari parks in the UK to understand to what extent captive populations can provide the necessary training data for such AI tools.
You can keep up-to-date with my research here: Twitter