Nicole Abanto Valladares (2019)
Alumni Diploma Students
I was born in Lima, Peru. I studied biology at the National Agrarian University La Molina. I wrote my undergraduate thesis on sympatric Spider Monkeys and Woolly Monkeys, focusing on their diets and habitat use inside Manu national park, one of the most biodiverse rainforests in the world. After my thesis I joined the Wired Amazon program, a collection of citizen science projects joining science and ecotourism. I assisted different projects including the study of Jaguar populations with the biggest camera-trap grid in Peru and monitoring the phenology of Brazil nut trees using drone images.
The past year I have worked on surveying Giant Otter populations in protected areas and other areas of Madre de Dios affected by forestry and mining. Giant Otters have always fascinated me and I have been working as field assistant with Dr. Adi Barocas in his postdoctoral project with WildCRU and the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research.
I’m interested in human and wildlife interactions, science outreach and communication towards conservation and eco-psychology. I look forward to complete my formation as a researcher and conservation practitioner during the diploma.