
Cecil’s pride – NoBhuhle (Beautiful)


As the Christmas holidays approach, David Macdonald has more good news from Cecil’s pride
Followers of our lion study in Hwange will realise that the WildCRU team is striving to monitor the private lives of the lionesses and cubs now overseen by the aging male, Jericho, Cecil’s former coalition partner. For some time we have wanted to know more about the movements of these lionesses and on Friday we had great news from the field, where Brent Stapelkamp and the field team managed to  dart and collar one of the lionesses in Cecil’s pride. We can also confirm that all six cubs are alive and very well, and that with the lioness monitored by satellite it will help us find and observe them more easily. The newly tagged lioness is called “Nobhuhle” meaning “Beautiful”. Let us take this opportunity to thank again all those who have supported us, and to wish you a good holiday.

Nobhuhle the beautiful

  • Cecil the lion