Macdonald, D. W. , Dawkins, M. , 1981
Ethology – the science and the tool.
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Macdonald, D. W. , Lindsay, I. M. , 1981
A report to the sponsors of our investigating into factors affecting the conservation of wildlife on farmland.
Wildlife Consultants Ltd.
Macdonald, D. W. , 1981
Feeding associations between capybaras Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris and some bird species.
Macdonald, D. W. , Amlaner, C. J. , 1981
Listening in to wildlife.
Macdonald, D. W. , Bunce, R. G. H. , Bacon, P. J. , 1981
Fox Populations, Habitat Characterization and Rabies Control.
Macdonald, D. W. , 1981
Wildlife management.
Oxford University Press.
Macdonald, D. W. , 1981
Resource dispersion and the social organisation of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes).
Macdonald, D. W. , 1981
Dwindling resources and the social behaviour of capybaras, (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) (Mammalia).
Bacon, P. J. , Macdonald, D. W. , 1981
Habitat and the spread of Rabies.
Bacon, P. J. , Macdonald, D. W. , 1981
Habitat classification, fox populations and rabies spread.
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.
Macdonald, D. W. , Amlaner, C. J. , 1980
A practical guide to radio tracking.
Pergamon Press.
Macdonald, D. W. , Ball, F. G. , Hough, N. G. , 1980
The evaluation of home range size and configuration using radio tracking data.
Pergamon Press.
Macdonald, D. W. , Boitani, L. , Barrasso, P. , 1980
Foxes, wolves and conservation in the Abruzzo Mountains.
Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers.
Macdonald, D. W. , 1980
Patterns of scent marking with urine and faeces amongst carnivore communities.
Macdonald, D. W. , 1980
The red fox, Vulpes vulpes, as a predator upon earthworms, Lumbricus terrestris.