Marchini, S. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2012
Predicting ranchers’ intention to kill jaguars: Case studies in Amazonia and Pantanal.
Magnusdottir, Rannveig , Stefansson, Robert , von Schmalensee, Menja , Macdonald, D. W. , Hersteinsson, Pall , 2012
Habitat- and sex-related differences in a small carnivore’s diet in a competitor-free environment.
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Marino, Jorgelina , Sillero-Zubiri, Claudio , Johnson, Paul , Macdonald, David , 2012
Ecological bases of philopatry and cooperation in Ethiopian wolves.
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Macdonald, D. W. , Johnson, P. J. , Albrechtsen, L. , Seymour, S. , Dupain, J. , Hall, A. , Fa, J. E. , 2012
Bushmeat trade in the Cross-Sanaga rivers region: Evidence for the importance of protected areas.
Macdonald, D. W. , Herrera, E.A. , Ferraz, K.M. , Moreira, J.R. , 2012
The Capybara Paradigm: From Sociality to Sustainability.
Luengos Vidal, E. M. , Sillero-Zubiri, C. , Marino, J. , Casanave, E. B. , Lucherini, M. , 2012
Spatial organization of the Pampas fox in a grassland relict of central Argentina: a flexible system.
Macdonald, D. W. , Burnham, D. , Hinks, A. E. , Wrangham, R. , 2012
A Problem Shared Is a Problem Reduced: Seeking Efficiency in the Conservation of Felids and Primates.
Lachish, S. , Gopalaswamy, A. M. , Knowles, S. C. L. , Sheldon, B. C. , 2012
Site-occupancy modelling as a novel framework for assessing test sensitivity and estimating wildlife disease prevalence from imperfect diagnostic tests.
Lucas, P. , Gaskins, J. , Lowrey, T. , Harrison, M. E. , Morrogh-Bernard, H. , Cheyne, S. , Begley, M. , 2012
Evolutionary optimization of material properties of a tropical seed.
Lanckriet, S. , Araya, T. , Cornelis, W. , Verfaillie, E. , Poesen, J. , Govaerts, B. , Bauer, H. , Deckers, J. , Haile, M. , Nyssen, J. , 2012
Impact of conservation agriculture on catchment runoff and soil loss under changing climate conditions in May Zeg-zeg (Ethiopia).
Kamler, J. F. , Stenkewitz, U. , Klare, U. , Jacobsen, N. F. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2012
Resource partitioning among cape foxes, bat-eared foxes, and black-backed jackals in South Africa.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
Karanth, K. K. , Gopalaswamy, A. M. , DeFries, R. , Ballal, N. , 2012
Assessing Patterns of Human-Wildlife Conflicts and Compensation around a Central Indian Protected Area.
Iordan, F. , Rushton, S. , Macdonald, D. W. , Bonesi, L. , 2012
Predicting the spread of feral populations of the American mink in Italy: is it too late for eradication?.
Springer Netherlands.
Kamler, J. F. , Klare, U. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2012
Seasonal diet and prey selection of black-backed jackals on a small-livestock farm in South Africa.
Kamler, J. F. , Louangaphaiyalath, P. , 2012
An eyeless Eurasian wild pig (Sus scrofa) surviving in northern Laos.