Funston, P. J. , Frank, L. , Stephens, T. , Davidson, Z. , Loveridge, A. , Macdonald, D. W. , Durant, S. , Packer, C. , Mosser, A. , Ferreira, S. M. , 2010
Substrate and species constraints on the use of track incidences to estimate African large carnivore abundance.
Dugdale, H. L. , Nouvellet, P. , Pope, L. C. , Burke, T. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2010
Fitness measures in selection analyses: sensitivity to the overall number of offspring produced in a lifetime.
Durant, S. M. , Dickman, A. J. , Maddox, T. , Waweru, M. N. , Caro, T. , Pettorelli, N. , 2010
Past, present, and future of cheetahs in Tanzania: their behavioural ecology and conservation.
Oxford University Press.
Dutton, A. , 2010
Examining when and why farming might reduce demand for wildlife products and by extension extractive pressure on wild populations.
University of Oxford.
Driscoll, C. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2010
Top dogs: wolf domestication and wealth.
Davies-Mostert, H. T. , Mills, M. G. L. , Kent, V. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2010
Reducing potential sources of sampling bias when quantifying the diet of the African wild dog through scat analysis.
Dugdale, H. L. , Ellwood, S. A. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2010
Alloparental behaviour and long-term costs of mothers tolerating other members of the group in a plurally breeding mammal.
Cheyne, S. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2010
Marbled cat in Sabangau peat-swamp forest, Indonesian Borneo.
Cheyne, S. , Monks, E. M. , Kuswanto, Y. , 2010
An observation of lethal aggression in bornean agile gibbons Hylobates albibarbis.
Davies-Mostert, H. T. , 2010
The managed metapopulation approach for African wild dog Lycaon pictus conservation in South Africa.
University of Oxford.
Cheyne, S. , Husson, S. J. , Chadwick, R. J. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2010
Diversity and activity of small carnivores of the Sabangau Peat-swamp Forest, Indonesian Borneo.
Cheyne, S. , Husson, S. J. , Macdonald, D. W. , 2010
First Otter Civet Cynogale bennettii photographed in Sabangau Peat-swamp Forest, Indonesian Borneo.
Chamberlain, D. E. , Joys, A. , Johnson, P. J. , Norton, L. , Feber, R. E. , Fuller, R. J. , 2010
Does organic farming benefit farmland birds in winter?.
Cheyne, S. , 2010
Challenges and Opportunities of Primate Rehabilitation – Gibbons as a Case Study.
Cheyne, S. , 2010
Behavioural ecology and socio-biology of gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis) in a degraded peat-swamp forest..