Daniel Rocha (2015)
Alumni Diploma Students
I graduated from the Federal University of Lavras in Biological Science in 2009. Since then, I have worked with many different ecology and conservation projects of wild carnivores, like jaguar in the Atlantic Forest, pumas, maned wolf and hoary fox in the Brazilian Cerrado and leopard in South African bush lands. During that time, I had the opportunity to work with radio-telemetry, scat analysis, animal trapping, human-carnivore conflict mitigation and, most of all, camera trapping. In 2011, I joined a Iauaretê Project, which is focused in jaguars in the Brazilian Amazon. I completed my Masters in Ecology at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia in 2015. My dissertation was on activity patterns and factors that affect camera trap sampling of carnivores and their prey.
Besides jaguars, I am currently very interested in study species with less information available in the Amazon, such as the ocelot and the bush dog. I believe the Diploma will be a unique opportunity to undertake high-level training on several practical methods to study carnivores. I expect it will also help me to improve my skills on project design, data analysis and scientific writing. I am very excited to be in close contact with many WildCRU experienced researchers.
Update September 2019
Daniel is very excited to soon be going back to Brazil for fieldwork as part of the third year of his PhD in California, in the US.