Jessica Tacey
Research Students
I completed my BSc (Hons) in Zoology at The University of Western Australia and The University of the Sunshine Coast. During my honours project, I explored the links between reptile behaviour and infectious disease transmission under the supervision of Dr. Celine Frere. Following my BSc I joined the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) as a research assistant, where I investigated the socio-economic and ecological impacts of toothed whale depredation in sub-Antarctic fisheries. Examining human-wildlife conflict in a marine setting complemented my previous experience researching terrestrial study systems, and I developed a more holistic understanding of human-wildlife interactions across environments.
I have recently commenced a PhD in the Department of Biology at The University of Oxford.
My research investigates the individual differences in elephant behaviour that may drive human-elephant conflict in northwestern Zimbabwe, and the perceptions of various stakeholders about how this conflict should be managed. I’ll be working with researchers from the Morally Contested Conservation Project; a collaboration between WildCRU, Cornell University, WWF Germany and Jamma International.