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Something in the wind: the influence of wind speed and direction on African lion movement behavior


Many species rely on their sense of smell to find food, communicate, and to avoid danger. Some animals actively search for odours in the environment to gain information on the presence of prey or potential mates. However, this search behaviour is energetically costly as an animal needs to move from one location to another to ... Read full story

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Remembering Dr Mark Stanley-Price


We are deeply saddened by the loss of Mark Stanley-Price who passed away at home on the 13th December. Mark was an extraordinary and accomplished conservationist, a greatly valued colleague, and a good friend. For over 10 years Mark has been a central and inspirational figure in WildCRU, he will be sorely missed. At this ... Read full story

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“Our hope for the future is each other”: Godfrey Mtare for Black History Month 2022


The third in the Department of Biology's Black History Month 2022 blog series, Godfrey Mtare shares an overview of his DPhil project developing methods to support cross-border habitats for African lions. My DPhil research focuses on how transboundary landscape connectivity could propel robust wildlife economies; hence transforming community livelihoods. In order to demonstrate this, I ... Read full story

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In joyful memory of Dr Mark R Stanley Price (1947-2022)


We record, with great pride, the invaluable contribution to wildlife conservation, to our Unit, and to our community of friends, of Dr Mark Stanley Price. Mark joined the WildCRU in 2008, and for these 14 years has been at the professional and social centre of our community. His arrival with us was a return migration ... Read full story

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Back from a Conference! Conservation Genomics at the Population Level


By Chrishen Gomez The first conference you attend as an academic will I think invariably, be a memorable one. I’m jotting this monologue in the hopes that when I am finally met with that dreaded existential crisis that seems to afflict every academic at some point of their career, I can come to this and ... Read full story

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Where have all the lions gone? Establishing realistic baselines to assess decline and recovery of African lions


Our perceptions of wildlife loss are often informed only by the reductions which take place within our lifetimes. However, these losses don’t represent the total decline of a species or habitat, with historic reductions in population size going unaccounted for in terms of our perceptions of total loss. In other words, we can’t see the ... Read full story

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