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Congratulations Diploma class of 2022


WildCRU’s Post-Graduate Diploma in International Wildlife Conservation Practice has achieved global recognition for excellence, providing training in all aspects of practical conservation to aspiring young conservationists from less-developed countries, especially focusing on the most talented and least privileged applicants who would not normally have the opportunity to attend a world-class university. Our pride in the ‘WildCRU ... Read full story

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Hedgehogs more friend than foe


A study published in Nature Communications 2021, based on machine learning algorithms, suggested that European hedgehogs are likely to become hosts of novel coronaviruses. This conclusion was widely reported in the media, often in an alarmist style that raised public anxiety about hedgehogs. Considering conservation concern about the decline of hedgehogs, and indeed the ... Read full story

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South East Asia’s Hotspots of Biodiversity


Southeast Asia is one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth, but its unique biodiversity is severely endangered by direct and indirect anthropogenic threats, such as poaching, deforestation and land degradation. In order to preserve the species of the region, conservation efforts have to be focused towards those areas that, more than others, host the ... Read full story

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Global Leopard Conference


WildCRU are pleased to be participating in the organization of a 5-day Global Leopard Conference to discuss the future of leopard conservation, happening online in March 2023. A range of partners who currently work on leopards, including Panthera, the Arabian Leopard Fund, and Endangered Wildlife Trust and many more are working together to convene this ... Read full story

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Hope for the Tigers of Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex in Thailand


Across South East Asia, the endangered Indochinese tiger has been vanishing. Yet in Thailand’s, Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex, researchers from the University of Oxford’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) and collaborators with the Freeland Foundation and Thai government, have documented a tale of hope. WildCRU’s Eric Ash analyzed data from camera trapping studies ... Read full story

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Julian Robertson, a colossus of cat conservation


David Macdonald writes: I am very sad to mark the death of Julian Robertson, the kindly colossus behind the Robertson Foundation whose support has been crucial  to the WildCRU’s work on cat conservation globally (as it has been also to the work of our close colleagues at Panthera, see Julian Robertson was not ... Read full story

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