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Celebrating the Laikipia Lion Rangers and Tusk’s Wildlife Ranger Challenge
04/08/2022WildCRU's Director, Amy Dickman, is joint CEO of Lion Landscapes, a conservation organistation addressing key challenges facing carnivore conservation today. Their collaborative and adaptive approach strengthens conservation efforts to secure important landscapes for viable populations of large carnivores. On World Ranger Day, the 31st July, Lion Landscapes published the following blog post celebrating the ... Read full story
Badger genome created from WildCRU’s study animals in Wytham Woods
20/07/2022WildCRU’s Badger Project has proven invaluable in collecting a wealth of fundamental ecological data for over 30 years, and now, with a new reference genome available, we will be able to answer further questions about population biology and the evolution of badgers. For example, we are investigating whether early-life adversity affects individual badgers in later ... Read full story
The lucky survivor thrives – News from the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme
27/06/2022Exciting news from the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme as they discover that the world’s first rehabilitated Ethiopian wolf, Terefe, has not only recovered from a life-threatening injury and found a new home in the wild but has formed his own pack. Ethiopean wolf news - June 27, 2022 - written by Rian Harris: "In the hills ... Read full story
Researchers from WildCRU conducted the first ever study of the clouded leopard diet
27/07/2022Despite numerous studies on the clouded leopard, no previous study determined their diet, primarily because clouded leopards don’t typically defecate along trails to mark their territory, which is a common behavior in most other felid species, so their scats (i.e., droppings) are rarely round. Clouded leopards are the smallest of the big cats (i.e., Pantherinae), ... Read full story
Hans Bauer writes for The Conversation
29/06/2022The UK All Parliamentary Group on Banning Trophy Hunting presented its report to the secretary of state for the environment, George Eustice, on 29 June. The group interviewed our lion researcher Hans Bauer, who edited his deposition in an opinion piece for The Conversation. Hans explains what trophy hunting is, shares his view that ... Read full story
Estimating the impact of farmland management on invertebrate welfare
24/06/2022In a new project with the Wild Animal Initiative, Ruth Feber and Paul Johnson will explore a model to quanitfy wild insect health and wellbeing. Wild Animal Welfare news - June 16, 2022 - Written by Amy Klarup: "In the fields and hedgerows of a working farm five miles from the University of ... Read full story
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