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Divergent Wildlife Conservation Perspectives in Africa


In African wildlife conservation, most documented experiences are from southern and south-eastern Africa; countries with well developed ‘wildlife industries’. Their voices and perspectives are dominant, but a new paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution presents divergent perspectives from West, Central and the Horn of Africa. WildCRU’s Hans Bauer and Claudio Sillero, in ... Read full story

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Endangered tiger population in ground-breaking population modelling study


By David Macdonald Tigers are in dire straits, with prospects for the Indochinese subspecies among the most dire of all. This is why I want to spotlight the work of Eric Ash for leading research on one of the few known breeding sites for the subspecies anywhere in the world. Eric Ash, a doctoral student at Wildlife ... Read full story

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Congratulations to Tanesha Allen


WildCRU is delighted to congratulate Tanesha Allen on the successful completion of her doctorate. Tanesha’s research on Wytham’s badgers began in 2016, investigating their olfactory communication system. Human noselessness is so blinding, when it comes to interpreting social odours, that it requires skill to design field experiments that cause the badgers to reveal what messages ... Read full story

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From ‘big catch’ to ‘national treasure’ how to use a positive brand association to save an endangered species


Nyein Zaw Ko was inspired to create the “Save Irrawaddy Dolphin” Campaign from his online learning experience with Dr Cedric Tan on WildCRU's eLearning Wildlife Conservation Course 2020. From man-eater shark to adorable giant panda, the fate of a species can sometimes be inextricably linked to its public image. While flagship species with undeniable charisma and positive ... Read full story

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Celebrating WildCRU’s Lovemore Sibanda succeeding in the two habitats that make a rising conservation star


The modern conservationist has to be at home in various habitats: so we celebrate Lovemore Sibanda transitioning effortlessly between two in which he excels. Lovemore, having completed his doctoral thesis and viva has migrated back to Hwange National Park, and the village communities whose relationships with lions were the meat of his thesis. Lovemore ... Read full story

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Vocal discrimination of African lions and its potential for collar-free tracking


The roar of a lion is one of the most thrilling and captivating sounds of the wild. This characteristic call is typically delivered in a bout consisting of one or two soft moans followed by several loud, full-throated roars and a terminating sequence of grunts. Previous research has shown that lions can recognise the calls ... Read full story

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