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Congratulations to the Diploma class of 2023


Established in 2008, the Recanati-Kaplan Centre Post-Graduate Diploma in International Wildlife Conservation Practice teaches cutting-edge techniques for monitoring and management of wildlife and their habitats. The course is delivered by Oxford University’s WildCRU (the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, part of Department of Biology) in collaboration with the Department Continuing Education, primarily funded by Panthera. Modules in wildlife ... Read full story

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WildCRU Research Fellow Dr Sophie Lund Rasmussen honoured at Science Festival in Denmark


Celebrating the upcoming Nobel Prize announcements of 2023, Politiken, the largest national newspaper in Denmark, has arranged a Science Festival in Copenhagen taking place on the 23rd of September. Four academics have been invited to communicate their research at this event, representing the elite of Danish research, two highly esteemed professors and two ... Read full story

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New study assesses ecological and socio-political factors affecting wild lion population fragility across Africa


Professor Amy Dickman, along with 12 more WildCRU co-authors, Sam Nicholson and others from around the world provide new insight into Africa’s dwindling wild lion populations. It is the first continent-wide study that looks at ecological and socio-political factors underpinning threats to lions. These factors are crucial to consider in evaluating and ... Read full story

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Exploring factors influencing the home range size of African Leopards


Large carnivores provide important ecosystem and economic services that help maintain healthy and diverse natural environments. Yet these species face numerous threats across the world from habitat loss and fragmentation to prey reduction and direct persecution. Understanding large carnivore behaviour and use of space is often important to inform conservation - which ultimately benefits a wide array ... Read full story

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Conservation in our own backyard: Dartford Warbler added to rare species sightings in Tubney


WildCRU visitor Dr Jan Kamler made an exciting avian discovery in Tubney this weekend. He recorded the call of a Dartford Warbler (Curruca undata) in a gorse patch next to the Tubney Estate on Sunday evening (17th September). Identified by the Merlin app and confirmed by ... Read full story

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An analysis of the UK’s proposed Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill and its impact on species conservation


In March 2023, UK MPs voted to support the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill which proposes a ban on imports of hunting trophies from over 6,000 species, and it is currently being debated in the House of Lords. The stated aim of the Bill is to support species conservation. To assess its likely impacts, a ... Read full story

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