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Establishing baseline wildlife population data in Zimbabwe’s Lower Zambezi Valley


WildCRU’s Trans-Kalahari Predator Programme, in close collaboration with Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks), is conducting an extensive camera trap survey in the Lower Zambezi Valley to estimate the population density and distribution of key predator species. This is a vital landscape connecting southern and East Africa. Much of the area is ... Read full story

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New research shows wildlife overflow enriches biodiversity beyond protected area boundaries


WildCRU’s Dr Żaneta Kaszta & Dr Sam Cushman are co-authors of new research demonstrating how protected areas enhance biodiversity both inside and beyond their borders. Featured as Nature’s cover story this week, the study used more than 2,000 camera traps and bird surveys across Southeast Asia. It also used ... Read full story

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Lion Landscapes conservation impacts


“Translating the global value of wildlife into tangible benefits for people living alongside it will help ensure the long-term wellbeing of communities, wildlife, and their shared environment.” This belief underpins the work of Lion Landscapes – an organisation co-run by WildCRU’s Director, Prof Amy Dickman. With an emphasis on large carnivores, Lion Landscapes ... Read full story

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Addressing human-wildlife conflict: Lessons learned from a community lion guardian programme


WildCRU’s Trans-Kalahari Predator Programme (TKPP) is the focus of the latest IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group case study, produced in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation. This series of publications aims to highlight both what is being done and most importantly, HOW it is being done – sharing important insight into the ... Read full story

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Researchers extract ancient DNA from a 2,900-year-old clay brick, revealing a time capsule of plant life


WildCRU research fellow Dr Sophie Lund Rasmussen was part of a team that recently extracted ancient DNA from a 2,900-year-old clay brick. Her husband Troels Arbøll, was joint first author of the paper – published today in Nature Scientific Reports. Currently housed at the National Museum of Denmark, the clay ... Read full story

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WildCRU conservation capacity building in action


WildCRU’s Postgraduate Diploma in International Wildlife Conservation Practice is designed to provide aspiring young conservationists with training in many aspects of practical conservation. Aiming to select the most talented and least privileged applicants, full scholarships are provided to eligible candidates. 120 students from 47 countries have completed the Diploma so far – almost all from the ‘Global South’ and nearly half from Africa. Graduates from ... Read full story

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